Sexual Rights series: The right to influence
The seventh sexual right is the right to influence.
Everyone has the right to participate in and influence decision-making related to sexuality. This means that everyone has the right to influence matters concerning their own sexuality. Everyone has the right to a sexual education and, for example, to be heard when providing services.
Influencing decision-making related to sexuality means, for example, that everyone has the right to express their opinions on matters and decisions that have an impact on their own sexuality. This right also applies to young people who are minors.
Everyone has the right to be heard and to influence matters related to their own sexual health. For example, each person decides on their what contraception they use.
There are many different ways to influence. Intervene in bullying or harassment at school. Don’t be afraid to speak about your sexual rights. Demand a change at school if you notice any shortcomings. For example, does your school have gender neutral toilets? Find out about your rights and learn. By being aware of your rights, you can also demand that these are realised!