Sexual Rights series: The right to privacy
The sixth sexual right is the right to privacy.
This sexual right means that everyone has the right to make their own decisions related to their sexuality. Everyone has the right to decide what and how much they want to share about their sexuality and with whom. Everyone also has the right to decide on what images and contents of themselves are shared publicly.
It is everyone’s own decision what they choose to tell others about their sexuality. Sexuality is everyone’s own business, and no one else can dictate what an individual should tell others or share about their sexuality. For example, it is up to each person to decide for themselves who they want to tell about their sexual orientation and in what manner or whether they want to share it at all. Everyone is permitted to protect their privacy.
No one may be pressured, blackmailed or manipulated into sharing information about their own sexuality. Sharing information must always be voluntary. Nor does anyone owe it to anyone to provide information about themselves or their sexuality.
Even so, it is worth remembering that information that is relevant to the sexual health of a sexual partner should be communicated to the sexual partner. For example, a person must tell their sexual partner(s) if they have contracted a sexually transmitted disease if there is a possibility that the sexual partner may have caught it as well. You must tell them so that the sexual partner can get tested if necessary and receive treatment for the sexually transmitted disease they may have contracted.
As everyone has the right to decide what images and contents of themselves are shared publicly, other people may not post images on social media or online in general without the permission of the person in question. Please remember to always ask for permission if you intend to post a photo showing other people. Sexual rights must also be implemented in social media.
The right to privacy also covers the fact that everyone has the right as well as the obligation to carry out their sexual acts in private, so that no one else unintentionally becomes involved in sexual acts. Young people often wonder, for example, whether it is okay to masturbate at school. It is good to remember that you should always reserve a private moment for masturbation, so you do not disturb others.