What is love?
Love is different depending on whom you love: parents, friends, pet, mates, relatives, friends from hobbies or your partner. You can love several people or things at the same time.
Love can be divided into virtue and romantic love. In romantic love, a crush can turn into love. The feeling of love also changes: it is different at the beginning of the relationship than later on.
Love can also accommodate differences.
For example, you may have arguments with friends, family, and your partner, but they still do not reduce the amount of love. Sometimes you find yourself loving someone, even if you did not want to. The feeling of love cannot be forced to begin or stop by command.
Sometimes you may fall in love with someone who does not feel the same way. It can hurt and you may wonder if you have done something wrong, or why you are not good enough. Sometimes people just do not feel the same way about each other.
Youth Service Experts, the Family Federation of Finland