Learn life skills -self help course

section 1
Values, Needs and Goals

section 2
Basis for good everyday life – Eating

section 3
Basis for good everyday life – Sleeping

section 4
Basis for good everyday life - exercising

section 5

section 6
Stress Management

section 7

section 8
Recognising Your Thoughts

section 8
Processing Our Thoughts

section 10

section 11
Social Skills

section 12
Social network and loneliness

section 13
Self-Knowledge and Self-Esteem

section 14
Being the VIP of Your Own Life: The End of the Course
Core content of the course
The basic idea of this Life Skills Course is related to the fact that thinking, feelings and action are linked and affect each other. We know that mood and feelings are hard to influence with just will. You can’t make yourself be in a good mood. Instead, by working on your own thoughts, you can influence how you experience mood as well as how you act and solve problems. You can influence your feelings and mood with your own action, same as with thoughts.
We have selected some central topics that influence well-being as the content for this course. In addition to thoughts and feelings, you will learn about how everyday health habits, routines and time management influence the sense of well-being. The course also touches on stress and stress management, such as relaxation. Humans need other people at all life stages and we’re constantly in interaction with other people. This is why social relationships and skills are an integral part of this course. All the topics are interrelated and form a whole.
How do you complete the course?
The purpose of the topics and tasks on this course is to inspire insights about what makes a good, meaningful everyday life for you. However, the course does not contain “correct answers” – only you know the right solutions for you. The tasks have a central role in this course. Take your time with the tasks. Remember, they are for nobody else but you. You can fill in the tasks online and save them if you like. The tasks are not saved in the system automatically. We recommend that you you start with section 1: Values, needs and goals, and follow the suggested order.
If the course raises emotions that are too difficult, find others and talk about your thoughts and feelings with a loved one or a professional.
It takes self-knowledge and persistence to create change. Be curious, have an open mind, and be your own best friend on this journey. Let yourself make mistakes and fail. Try out new things despite your fears and start by taking small steps. Please, remember: we all learn new things and skills throughout life, nobody is ever ready. You have all the power you need – believe in yourself!