Online course on supportive parenting
Positive parenting refers to a warm, caring style of raising children that involves responding to the child’s messages. Supportive and positive parenting reinforces the child’s good behaviour and a positive relationship with the child. This kind of parenting avoids inconsistent punishment of the child or punishing the child for expressing their needs. A positive style of bringing up children is known to be associated with better school performance, fewer behavioural problems, better mental health, good self-esteem and good social skills. This course will introduce you to the principles of supportive parenting and give you tips on how to work with your child. This course has been produced in cooperation with the Family Federation of Finland (Väestöliitto), the Central Union for Child Welfare (Lastensuojelun Keskusliitto) and the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters (Ensi- ja turvakotien liitto) as part of the Hyvä Kasvaa (Good Growth) campaign. The campaign has now ended, but the course was updated in May 2022. This course with nine sections is founded on research-based programmes for supportive parenting.

section 1
What is supportive parenting?

section 2
Me as a parent

section 3
Strengthen your bond with your child

section 4
Play and the importance of play

section 5
Reinforce the behaviour you want to see more of – encourage, praise and reward it

section 6
Addressing unwanted behaviour and the consequences

section 7
Teach your child new skills and problem solving

section 8
Create a consistent environment for your child

section 9
Strengthen your child’s self-esteem
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