Duo Family Training Self-Study Online Course
Duo Family Training Self-Study Online Course
Congratulations – you are about to become a parent (or already are a parent or thinking of having children)! You are starting a journey of a lifetime and we wish you all the happiness along your way. Parenthood is a wonderful and rewarding experience, but it can also be demanding, exhausting and frustrating.
The need for intercultural family training is rooted in the fact that intercultural families face issues and challenges unique to their situation – just like all diverse families do! Both backgrounds and cultures, as well as the experiences and expectations of both partners, should be taken into account when planning for parenthood, and being able to talk openly is the key to understanding.
While being an intercultural couple offers a multitude of benefits (plus you cannot choose who you fall in love with), there will inevitably be some issues that monocultural couples do not face. These may be unique to yourselves, but the chances are there will be other intercultural parents who have experienced exactly the same issues; in other words, you are not alone. This family training course aims to share with you the experiences of parents of intercultural families as well as practical information about the different aspects of intercultural parenthood.
Your family and your child will have a unique culture known as the ‘third culture’, which combines the best of both your worlds. Third culture takes conscious effort and work to achieve but ultimately results in an enriching and fulfilling experience for the whole family.
Aspects such as parental roles and involvement, where to spend holidays, language, education and discipline will all come into play as you combine the best of each parent’s culture and experience.
With this course we hope to provide you both food for thought and tools that we hope will go some way to helping you and your partner to have an open dialogue and ultimately to decide what works for you as partners, parents and a family.
Duo Family Training self-study online course has been designed to support intercultural couples as they make the transition into parenthood and beyond. The course begins with the concept of intercultural couple and continues with becoming a parent and parenthood, taking care of the relationship, challenges, bilingualism, the identity and identity development of an intercultural child, and the concept of a ‘third culture’.