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Duo Divorce Online Course for Intercultural Couples and Families
Intercultural divorce or separation can bring up unexpected issues for both partners. While the...
Duo Family Training for intercultural couples expecting a baby
Duo Family Training is intended for intercultural couples expecting a baby. The English-language...
Strengthening the emotional bond through closeness, sex and
In the exercise, couples can share their wishes and experiences about closeness, sex and touch with...
Keeping your love alive
The purpose of this exercise is to think about how to keep your love alive in your everyday lives.
Dealing with injuries that have occurred in your relationship
The purpose of this exercise is to process past events that continue to weigh on each partner’s...
Sharing your fears and needs with your partner
The purpose of this exercise is to recognize and to share with your partner the fears that are...
Recognizing raw spots as they surface in a relationship
There are certain situations in a relationship when a partner touches a raw spot you have. These may...
Recognizing negative cycles in a couple’s interaction
When things aren’t working well in a relationship, both partners react to the lack of connection...