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How can I calm myself down?
When, as a parent, you find yourself in challenging situations with your child, it is a great help...
What is self-compassion?
Self-compassion is a skill that we all need, so it’s worth learning. Self-compassion relates to...
Parenthood is a whirlwind of emotions
Parenthood evokes all kinds of emotions. The aim of this course is to develop your emotional skills...
Perhepulma - Support for parents free of charge
Väestöliitto - The Family Federation provides conversational support for parents with young...
Peer support and groups for intercultural couples and families
Familia’s peer support activities and groups are organised nationwide and online.
Couple and family counselling for intercultural couples and families
Familia's couple and family counselling is short-term service based on discussion and peer support...
Online course on supportive parenting
Positive parenting refers to a warm, caring style of raising children that involves responding to...
Perhepulma - helpline for parents with small children
Perhepulma - helpline serves parents with small children. We support and give advice in questions...