Services in the topic of parenthood
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How can I calm myself down?
When, as a parent, you find yourself in challenging situations with your child, it is a great help...
What is self-compassion?
Self-compassion is a skill that we all need, so it’s worth learning. Self-compassion relates to...
Parenthood is a whirlwind of emotions
Parenthood evokes all kinds of emotions. The aim of this course is to develop your emotional skills...
Perhepulma - Support for parents free of charge
Väestöliitto - The Family Federation provides conversational support for parents with young...
Duo Family Training for intercultural couples expecting a baby
Duo Family Training is intended for intercultural couples expecting a baby. The English-language...
Online course on supportive parenting
Positive parenting refers to a warm, caring style of raising children that involves responding to...
Perhepulma - helpline for parents with small children
Perhepulma - helpline serves parents with small children. We support and give advice in questions...
Duo Family Training Self-Study Online Course
Duo Family Training Self-Study Online Course has been designed to offer an insight into the...